[Remind-Fans] an OMIT holiday moves forward Sun to Mon, Monday things that should move forward don't.
Dianne Skoll
dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Thu Jul 21 10:00:54 EDT 2016
On Thu, 21 Jul 2016 15:48:03 +0200
Anne Wainwright <anotheranne at fables.co.za> wrote:
> 1: If the holiday falls on a Sunday, then it moves to the Monday
This is done as follows:
# Figure out the date of the holiday. We scan back from
# 30 days to make sure we always get *this* year's holiday
# rather than *next* year's holiday for the sake of dependent
# reminders
OMIT [trigdate()] MSG Worker's Day
> 2: If the Monday is a public holiday then Dustbin Day moves to the
> Friday (or onwards past the weekend if that is also a holiday).
Do you mean the previous Friday? Or the next Friday? I think next.
If the next Friday:
# The normal non-holiday case
REM Monday SATISFY [!isomitted($T)] MSG Dustbin Day
# The holiday case
REM Friday SATISFY [isomitted($T-4) && !isomitted($T)] MSG Dustbin Day (moved)
The first one triggers every Monday that is *not* a holiday.
The second one triggers on every Friday that is *not* a holiday, but where
the previous Monday *is* a holiday.
The lesson from all of this is that SATISFY is usually the way to
go for very unusual rules.
PS: I am originally from South Africa and it's so nice to hear someone
call garbage day "Dustbin day" :)
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