[Remind-Fans] E-mailing reminders

Tim Chase remind at tim.thechases.com
Wed Jan 2 20:27:26 EST 2019

On 2019-01-02 13:33, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> I am using Remind and TkRemind.  I have many reminders set to send
> me popups for the 3 days prior to the event date.  For *SOME* of
> these events, my wife would like to receive an e-mail 3 days ahead,
> as well. Is there any way to specify in the .reminders file to send
> e-mail reminders for specific events to a specific e-mail
> address(s)?

Two different methods occur to me:

1) create a spouse-specific "wife.rem" reminder file with the shared
items[*], INCLUDE it into your personal calendar (so you continue to
get them in your notifications), and then have a similar process that
runs remind against just the "wife.rem" file, setting her as the

2) tag items in your monolithic (or possibly composite) reminder file
(maybe with her email address or other unique tag) and then re-run,
passing remind through grep to filter for only tagged entries and
mailing those to her.

If you're using cron for generating the emails, you might want to
check out https://habilis.net/cronic/ which only emails the output if
the command fails.  This can be used to only send email in the event
there was output.


[*] I do something similar to this, having ~25 different calendar
files, all imported into one master calendar.  This lets me run
against just my wife's calendar, each kid's individual calendar or an
all-kids calendar, as well calendars for each kid's schools, various
birthday/anniversary calendars, $DAYJOB items, library due-dates &
lectures, as well ones for our church and some non-profits with which
I volunteer.  My ~/.reminders is a symlink into my
$REMINDDIR/master.rem file which then imports all the others (either
directly or indirectly)

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