[Remind-Fans] Changes coming to Remind...

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Mon Jan 13 18:07:51 EST 2020

Hi Dianne,

* Dianne Skoll <dianne at skoll.ca> [2020-01-13 11:39]:
>I've been working on a big change to Remind and it's now ready for
>testing.  Anyone who uses TkRemind, or who maintains or wants to maintain
>back-ends such as tools to convert Remind to other formats... please have
>a look at the git repo: https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/git/Remind.git/

This is really great news, looking forward to add support in 
python-remind. I did a quick test:

$ echo "REM Jan 13 2020 AT 20:00 MSG %\"bar%\" Foo %a" | ./src/remind -pp -
# rem2ps2 begin
January 2020 31 3 0
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
December 31
February 29
{"date":"2020-01-13", "time":1200, "d":13, "m":1, "y":2020, "eventstart":"2020-01-13T20:00", "priority":5000, "rawbody":"%\"bar%\" Foo %a", "body":"8:00pm bar"}
# rem2ps2 end

I have same proposals:

- Drop the time from the body as it is in the time element already.
- Add an element with the complete body, i.e. %\"bar%\" Foo today, or 
	maybe two elements one with the calendar mode entry (bar) and one with 
	the rest (Foo today) (I'm using the calendar mode text as the 
	icalendar summary and the rest es the description).
- Why is there date, time, d, m, y and eventstart? Shoudn't one format 
	be enough?
- Have a pure json output without the rem2ps2 lines wrapped in a json 
	array [].

I can help implementing this but would like to hear your opinion first.


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