[Remind-Fans] Remind 3.3.1 BETA 3 is available

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Sat Mar 14 11:45:41 EDT 2020


I really am hoping this will become 3.3.1 final.  Please test; I assume
a lot of you are stuck at home anyway because of the pandemic. :)



The only changes since BETA-2 are bug-fixes and an enhancement of the
ampm() function to take a DATETIME as well as a TIME argument.

Release notes since 3.3.0 are below.




* VERSION 3.3 Patch 1 - 2020-XX-XX

- CHANGE: For overlapping multi-day events, issue a reminder for the
  most *recent* event rather than the earliest event.  NOTE INCOMPATIBILITY:
  This is a behavior change!

- CHANGE: Do not convert 90-99 to 1990-1999 when parsing numbers to recognize
  years.  NOTE INCOMPATIBILITY: This is a behavior change!

- CHANGE: Revert change to -y option that included filename and line number
  in the hash.

- CHANGE: Retain newlines (produced by %_) in JSON output.

- FIX: Document $FormWidth system variable

- FIX: Highlight today's date in "remind -c" output

- IMPROVEMENT: Allow times to be specified either in 24-hour mode
  (HH:MM or HH.MM) or AM/PM mode (HH:MMam; HH:MMpm, etc.)

- IMPROVEMENT: Allow DURATION to be specified as a time (1:30) or a
  number of minutes (90).

- IMPROVEMENT: If terminal size can be determined, set $FormWidth to
  terminal width - 8; if not, set $FormWidth to 72.

- MINOR IMPROVEMENT: Add the "ampm()" built-in function.

* Version 3.3 Patch 0 - 2020-01-31

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