[Remind-Fans] rem2html

Andreas Klostermaier andreas at klostermaier.de
Mon Mar 23 10:49:43 EDT 2020

On 23.03.20 00:03, Bob Goodwin wrote:

> Thanks to everyone for the patient assistance,  Bob

So here is a summary:

To use rem2html you need the following prerequisites:

- Perl needs to be installed on the computer

- A JSON-Any package has to be installed on the computer
  - On Fedora: dnf install perl-JSON-Any
  - On Ubuntu: sudo apt install libjson-any-perl

- rem2html is not installed into any of the bin-directories, so you have to cd into its directory first:
  cd SOMEPATH/remind-xx.xx.xx/www/

- rem2html needs to have the execution bit set:
  chmod +x rem2html

- run the "remind -p" export and pipe the result into rem2html:
  remind -p <PATH-TO-REMIND-FILE> | ./rem2html > myCalendar.html

- pull the generated html-file to your browser and bookmark it. Do not take the file out of the www-folder, though, as it depends on icons and css-files in the www-directory.

+ Andreas Klostermaier
+ andreas at klostermaier.de
+ www.appendx.de
+ XING https://www.xing.com/profile/Andreas_Klostermaier/
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