[Remind-Fans] Occasionally showing reminders in opened terminal

rrandom rrandom at dismail.de
Mon Feb 7 15:00:03 EST 2022

Hello! Sometimes when I play with remind commands and don't close
terminal, it prints reminders in it. I'm sure that I don't trigger
daemon mode ('-z'). Why reminders print? Is remind works in
background when I run it and how to disable that option if it's true?
(I just don't like if anything works in background)

Also I don't want to start new thread but found two little bugs in
rem2ics script:

1. It doesn't read COLOR reminders. I did stupid workaround for it that
removes COLOR and adds proper syntax:

remind -m -b1 -s12 -irem2ics=1 ~/.reminders 1 Jan 2022 | sed 's|\([[:digit:]]\+/[[:digit:]]\+/[[:digit:]]\+\) COLOR \([[:alnum:]\*]\+\) \([[:digit:]\*]\+\) \([[:digit:]\*]\+\) [[:digit:]]\+ [[:digit:]]\+ [[:digit:]]\+ \(.*$\)|\1 * \2 \3 \4 \5|' | rem2ics -do >cal.ics

2. rem2ics also cut lines by byte count that can be harmful for unicode
langs, that contain two (or more?) bytes in a char. This can be fixed
by replacing '72' with any big number (e.g. '1000000') at 558 line of
rem2ics script.


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