[Remind-Fans] remind-caldav vs radicale-remind

Saša Janiška gour at atmarama.com
Sun Jul 3 06:13:37 EDT 2022


some time ago I was considering whether to use remind instead of 
taskawarrior, but then realized that remind is "...more a
calendar/event/reminder tool" and "...not really a task manager tool", 
so I moved to Etm.

However, I noticed that I'm suffering lack of proper reminder since my 
calendar events (together with contacts) are entered into Thunderbird 
(or Evolution) in order to be synced with Android phones via Baikal 
server. It happened several times that e.g. when I was travelling that 
after returning home I did miss some events for not having proper 
notification to remind me.

Now, I'm considering to simply use remind/wyrd for calendar events and 
wonder how does it work with remind-caldav/radicale-remind?

It seems if I want to keep remind/wyrd for calendar events only, I do not 
need radicale-remind and can keep using Baikal, iow. no need to migrate 
from Baikal to Radicale?

Another thing I'm interested whether remin does provide some mechanism 
to use libnotify to receive notification in my sytem's (Xfce) 
notification log?


Before giving up this present body, if one is able to tolerate
the urges of the material senses and check the force of desire and
anger, he is well situated and is happy in this world.
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