[Remind-Fans] Terminal emulators (was Re: Remind 04.01.00 BETA 3 is available)

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Fri Sep 23 05:49:36 EDT 2022

* taekoocair at wilsonb.com <taekoocair at wilsonb.com> [2022-09-23 18:03]:
>> (not sure if one can draw any conclusion out of it), I propose apt
>> install on a minimal Debian unstable chroot:
>The Debian install method addresses the question, "How much extra disk space
>will this eat up on my daily driver PC?" while the above addresses something
>more like "How big is the full set of possible code paths potentially exercised
>by this terminal?"

Just for completeness, I would argue that my method also measures all 
code paths as I used a minimal chroot containing no relevant (except 
libc, libdl and the kernel but that's the same for all of them).

You can reproduce those numbers with:

$ mmdebstrap --variant=essential --include=stterm -v unstable unstable-stterm

Cheers Jochen
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