[Remind-Fans] Remind 04.02.03

LarryD l.f.durfee at ieee.org
Mon Feb 27 09:00:57 EST 2023

Admittedly, I haven't updated in awhile, but here are a few comments 
about TKremind. Also, because of my lack of updating, I hope these 
comments/issues aren't redundant.

(1) The options are very nice, I like to be able to customize.

(2) I like the "Errors" button. But, the errors also show up in the 
"Today's Reminders" panel. It would be good to remove them from there. 
But either way, you can't copy from either of those two panels. Maybe 
change the button color only if there are errors.

(3) I'm not sure why I need a warning about "...useless use of until..."

(4) Widening the "errors" panel extends the text but for the "Today's 
Reminders", the text does not widen. It's easier to read the text of a 
long line without word wrapping.

(5) On the bottom line to the left and right of "Today" show up as 
blocks instead of arrows. I must be missing some font.

I have been using Remind and TKremind for awhile now and I like it. 
Thanks to everyone for supporting it so well.


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