[Remind-Fans] Categorize OMIT

Hendrik Dorn mail at hendrik-dorn.de
Tue Feb 28 16:29:45 EST 2023


remind is a beautiful piece of software.
As I understand it, to assign an omit to a specific reminder, one can use the keyword or a push-pop-context.
As it now so happens, I live in a complicated world where compromises in cultural development lead to different holidays affecting different sets of activities.
This can be schematically described by a table

	  A B C D
	1 *  *
	2   *   *
	3 * *   *

here letters are activities and numerals are holidays. The stars represent the influence a holiday has on different activities.
How would an old chunk of coal go about and represent this in remind, without redundand information in the input script?
What I do not want to do is to put holiday 3 in three different push-pop-contexts.

Kind regards
– Hendrik

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