[Remind-Fans] New feature coming in rem2pdf

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Wed Mar 8 17:59:10 EST 2023


If you clone https://git.skoll.ca/Skollsoft-Public/Remind and look at
the HEAD of the master branch, you'll see a new feature in rem2pdf.

There's a new option, -y (or equivalently --wrap) that makes sure the
printed calendar does not require more than 5 rows.  If a calendar
would normally require 6 rows, the last day (or two, if necessary) are
put in the *first* row instead.  This gives the rest of the rows more
space to accommodate reminders.

The small previous- and next-month calendars are moved as appropriate.

Anyway, please give it a try.  Good test months are April 2023 and
July 2023.

And for those asking "How about rem2ps and remind -c... will they get this
option?" the answer is:  No, unless someone contributes the code.

Those are written in C and (especially rem2ps) are a bit messy and would
require a lot of work to support the option.  If you really need 5-row
PostScript output, you can always convert PDF to PostScript anyway.


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