[Remind-Fans] daily MSG at 11am | randomly suppress it -- on 80% of the days? << answer: call outside script using RUN ...

remind-fans at trodman.com remind-fans at trodman.com
Thu Mar 9 17:35:44 EST 2023

Hi Dianne:

On Thu 3/9/23 8:09 -0500 Users of Remind wrote:
>On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 19:17:57 -0600
>remind-fans--- via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:
>> How might I schedule a MSG daily at 11am, such that it only appears
>> say 20% of the days, and have this be random? 
>Someone asked for something similar before.  Remind does not have a
>random function and I am not keen to add one, as it can break the
>Remind algorithm if misused.
>Instead, make a script called "maybemsg" using your favorite language
>(bash, Python, Perl, whatever) that does the randomization for you.
>In Remind, do something like:
>   REM AT 11:00 RUN maybemsg 20 This might appear...

Thx Dianne!

>Here, the first argument to maybemsg is the percentage of time you want
>the message to appear and the remaining arguments are the message.  Writing
>maybemsg is left as an exercise for the reader.


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