[Remind-Fans] Error: "Date Overflow" In Complicated Recipie

Porcelain Mouse pmouse-support at nobig5.com
Mon Oct 2 02:11:36 EDT 2023

Hi Remind Fans,

Sorry to bother you.  Recently, wyrd and remind have decided there is a 
problem with a REMIND file that I've had for a long time.  I didn't write 
any of these myself; it's all stuff I found.  I cannot tell what's wrong, 
but as I say, I don't write anything this complicated, myself, so maybe 
there is a bug.  But, I really don't understand what has changed; it 
wasn't complaining a few weeks ago.  On the other hand, I think I may have 
seen this error before; it just didn't stick around.  Like maybe it 
depends on the current day?  I rebuilt wyrd & remind just now to the 
latest release versions, but that had no effect on this error.

Here is the error:

Error in reminders file: "/home/pdestefa/.reminders.holidays(114): `-': Date overflow"

Here is a part of the reminders file:

    76 # Handy function to provide SCANFROM dates...
    77 FSET _back(days)        TRIGGER(TODAY()-days)
    79 #############################################################################
    80 # Here's a tricky problem:  The 4th of July is a holiday in the U.S.
    81 # However, if it falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday is a holiday.
    82 # If it falls on a Sunday, the next Monday is a holiday.  Here's how
    83 # to do it.  NOTE that the following procedure makes the OMIT context
    84 # dependent upon the current date.  SInce it only depends on the current
    85 # year, which is not likely to change while producing a calendar, we
    86 # are fairly safe.  However, reminders with huge DELTA or BACK components
    87 # may not operate as expected.  In general, any time you make OMIT
    88 # dependent upon the current date, it's tricky and results may not be
    89 # what you expect.  You should try to make sure that the OMIT context
    90 # "near" any current reminders will not change during a calendar run.
    91 # The SCANFROM clause should help make these OMITs very safe.
    92 ############################################################################
    94 # Calculate the weekday of the July 4th US holiday.
    95 REM 4 July SCANFROM [_back(7)] SATISFY 1
    98   REM [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE())] MSG Independence day (actual)
    99   OMIT [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE()-1)] MSG Independence day (observed)
   100 ELSE
   101   IF WKDAYNUM(TRIGDATE()) == Sun
   102     REM [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE())] MSG Independence day (actual)
   103     OMIT [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE()+1)] MSG Independence day (observed)
   104   ELSE
   105     OMIT [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE())] MSG Independence day
   106   ENDIF
   107 ENDIF
   109 #Same for Veterans Day
   110 REM 11 November SCANFROM [_back(7)] SATISFY 1
   113   REM [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE())] MSG Veterans day (actual)
   114   OMIT [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE()-1)] MSG Veterans day (observed)
   115 ELSE
   116   IF WKDAYNUM(TRIGDATE()) == Sun
   117     REM [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE())] MSG Veterans day (actual)
   118     OMIT [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE()+1)] MSG Veterans day (observed)
   119   ELSE
   120     REM [TRIGGER(TRIGDATE())] MSG Veterans day
   121   ENDIF
   122 ENDIF

Thanks for you help in advance,

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