[Remind-Fans] Heads up / speak up: Change coming to Remind's parser

Justin Alcorn justin at jalcorn.net
Thu Aug 22 12:33:09 EDT 2024

On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 10:29 AM Dianne Skoll via Remind-fans <
remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Aug 2024 09:56:47 -0400
> Justin Alcorn via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:
> > I downloaded the latest v5 code and installed, and copied the
> > defs.rem into my directory.   I'm getting LOTS of te new error
> > starting on line 308 in that file.
> Oops!  I fixed everything in include/ but forgot about examples/
> Should be fixed in this commit:
> https://git.skoll.ca/Skollsoft-Public/Remind/commit/2223277f64967aaf8a49aae7fe9e44671e7238c1
Sorry about the top-posting.

OK, that helps a lot. A couple of things - installing remind v5 was a big
jump from what I was using before and I seem to have lost a couple of

When using sunrise() I was formatting it by using _am_pm and _no_lz (to
remove leading zeros) like this

fset _srtd() coerce("STRING", _no_lz(_am_pm(sunrise(today()))))
MSG Sun is up today in [$Location] from [_srtd()] to [_sstd()].%"%"%

I'm not sure where I got _am_pm, but after compiling from source and
overwriting my defs.rem it's not longer available.  Does anyone know the
definition of a function that would return a string like '06:30 AM' from an
equivalent TIME value?

I feel really stupid for not backing up my old defs.rem, but I didn't think
I modified it and figured I could always get an old version.

Last thing - the msgprefix and msgsuffix examples at the end of defs.rem is
really messing me up.   I guess that wasn't intended to be included in a
live file, but just as examples?  (hence the 'examples' directory,
right?).  But I had always just included it.   Caveat Emptor, i guess :-)
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