[Remind-Fans] A-Day / B-Day

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Tue Aug 27 09:26:50 EDT 2024

On Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:02:41 -0400
Hymie! via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

> msg [a_day]

This will trigger every single day.  There's no trigger speficiation,
so it's the equivalent of:

   REM MSG Hi!  You'll see this every day!

> The problem is, the A/B schedule doesn't just skip holidays, it
> **shifts** So when it skips 2024/09/02, that makes 2024/09/03 the
> next A day, followed by 2024/09/05 .

OK.  Here's your solution:

FSET abday(x) iif(nonomitted('2024-08-27', x) % 2, "B Day", "A Day")

OMIT 2024-09-02

REM FROM 2024-08-27 SKIP MSG [abday($T)]

The nonomitted() built-in function counts the number of days between
its first and its second argument, *not including* OMITted days.

So we check how many non-omitted days are between 2024-08-27 and the trigger
date.  If it's even, it's an A day.  If it's odd, it's a B day.

This takes care of day shifts in the face of holidays and weekends.



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