[Remind-Fans] OMIT syntax (was Re: A-Day / B-Day)

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Tue Aug 27 09:58:12 EDT 2024

On Tue, 27 Aug 2024 08:42:47 -0500
Tim Chase via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

>   OMIT Dec 23 2024 THROUGH Jan 6 2025 \
>       SATISFY [$Uw > 0 && $Uw < 6] \
>       MSG Christmas Break

This does not do what you think.  In fact, I'm surprised Remind doesn't
issue a syntax error here because that's not valid syntax for Remind.
I'll need to fix this for a future version.

You cannot have a SATISFY clause are part of an OMIT.  Also, $Uw is
the weekday of *today*, not the weekday of the trigger date (which
would be $Tw) so even if the SATISFY clause did kick in, it wouldn't
do what you probably want.

Regardless of what you put in the SATISFY clause, the above statement
will always omit all the days from 2024-12-23 through 2025-01-06.



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