[Remind-Fans] 'make test' failure of Remind 05.00.04

Gary Johnson garyjohn at spocom.com
Sun Sep 1 12:32:31 EDT 2024

On 2024-09-01, Dianne Skoll via Remind-fans wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Sep 2024 06:37:29 -0700
> Gary Johnson via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:
> > I built Remind 05.00.04 on an Ubuntu 22.04 system on August 29 and
> > it built and tested just fine.  I tried building it on an Ubuntu
> > 20.04 system this morning, September 1, and 'make test' failed.
> Oh darn. :(  I forgot about the highlighting of "realtoday" in the "remind -c"
> output.  Tests will continue to fail until October 1st, when they'll start
> succeeding again.
> I've committed a fix into git.  Unfortunately, there have been other changes
> in the interim so it's not easy to backport just this fix, but if you
> build from master of https://git.skoll.ca/Skollsoft-Public/Remind it should
> work.

Thanks, Dianne.  The git version built and tested fine.


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