[Remind-Fans] Emacs and remind

Daniel Martins dmartins at lcmi.ufsc.br
Wed Feb 6 14:25:35 EST 2002

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Benedetto <bbenedetto at goodyear.com> writes:

    Bill> Hey, Daniel.

    Bill> Did you ever get a response about these perl scripts?

    Daniel> I have a elisp package planner.el where John Wiegley
    Daniel> presents three perl scripts
    Daniel> ;; http://www.gci-net.com/~johnw/bin/rem ;;
    Daniel> http://www.gci-net.com/~johnw/bin/allrems ;;
    Daniel> http://www.gci-net.com/~johnw/bin/remconv

Yes I received them from John Wiegley and I can send them for you if
you so wish.

    Bill> Also, what kind of integration were you thinking about
    Bill> between emacs and remind?  Again, just curious...

Few things like a mode to edit .reminders files and mainly an
integration between the calendar mode and the .reminders file or files

For example using the perl scripts above we generate a daily file
which is readable from the calendar but the reverse is not
possible. It would be great to point at some date, eg 1 Jan 2003, in
the calendar and them automatically we have a

REM 1 Jan 2003 MSG 

to be filled in in the .reminders

Maybe another command would ask for a time to set up a timed event
(maybe both in remind and in the calendar/appt function)

Other point is to integrate the appointments with the timed events
from remind in a way that a timed event would activate the
appointments functions (beep, extra buffer with the advice, and so

I think these enhancements could turn our lives (Emacs users) easier
and would substitute, in my opinion with some advantages, the TkRemind
interface. One of these advantages is the possibility os using a
visual interface to set up remind events without  Tk/Tcl and
xwindows, as Emacs could run even in console mode. 

Unfortunately I have not enough expertise in Emacs lisp to do this
job. Anyway the Perl scripts may give us some hints about the task.


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