[Remind-Fans] Remind 3.0.23 is released

Avery Ke avery at u.washington.edu
Fri Apr 15 15:09:30 EDT 2005

David F. Skoll wrote:
>I hope you don't keel over in shock, but I've released a new version
>of Remind.  This is the first release since June 2000.  Grab it from

Thanks David! It's incredible that you not only have created this great
calendar system, and give tips and advice as needed, but also have
been working on a new release. Your efforts are much appreciated!

I originally installed Remind as a debian package, but I'd like to try
the new release. Before I compile from source, I want to make sure the
two versions don't give each other indigestion.

Are these the correct steps? 

0. Download remind-03.00.23.tar.gz, gunzip, untar, etc.
1. (as root) remove and purge remind_03.00.22-4_i386.deb
2. follow instructions in your README file under heading
   If you do NOT have Tcl/Tk or are NOT running X Windows: 
   (I never use tkRemind, so I'm ignoring it.)

Also, if for some reason I want to install the .deb package, is it
sufficient to remove the remind files: /usr/bin/remind and the folder
/usr/share/doc/remind, and then proceed as usual with the debian

Thanks again,


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