[Remind-Fans] Multiple entries from rem2ics script

Anthony Chivetta achivetta at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 18:36:14 EDT 2006

* Kevin Neely <oenophile at gmail.com> [2006-07-19 18:01:36 -0400]:

> added the URL to the .ics file as a webcal.  Everything works pretty well,
> but a couple reminders repeat massively and I do not know why.  The July 4th
> I don't know if there is a problem w/ my remind script, or if it is
> something with the rem2ics conversion taking place.  I suspect it is the
> 30boxes implementation.  When I add it to my Google calendar, I do not see
> the same repeating events.  However, I see the mortgage payment as being due
> only on the 1st of July, and not on the 1st of Aug.  Perhaps b/c I am not
> w/in 7 days of the event?

Take a look at the output of the script and see if what you see is what you
expect.  Also, try importing it into a desktop application like the mozilla
sunbird (the calendar mozilla component).  I am currently away from home and
don't have time to investigate, but I should be able to take a look at the
begining of next month.  Can you send me a remind file with just the offending
lines, the output of the remind command that you are piping into the script
and the output you get from the script?  If anyone else has any ideas, please speak
up, otherwise you may need to wait until I get back and can take a look. Sorry I
can't be more helpful at the moment.  

Also, if anyone has any other success or failure stories with the script, I
would love to hear them.

Anthony Chivetta

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