[Remind-Fans] Multiple entries from rem2ics script

A. Klostermaier remind-fan at klostermaier.de
Wed Jul 19 18:42:34 EDT 2006

Bezugnehmend auf Ihr E-Mail/Referring to your e-mail
vom/from 20.07.2006 um/at 0:01 Uhr:

>remind -s | rem2ics > ~/tmp/reminders.ics
>ncftpput / ~/tmp/reminders.ics
>I don't know if there is a problem w/ my remind script, or if it is
>something with the rem2ics conversion taking place.  I suspect it is
>the 30boxes implementation.  When I add it to my Google calendar, I do
>not see the same repeating events.  However, I see the mortgage
>payment as being due only on the 1st of July, and not on the 1st of
>Aug.  Perhaps b/c I am not w/in 7 days of the event?

I have just started to play with rem2ics when your question came in.
I have another problem with it, but it might correlate with your problem:

I get the error
/usr/bin/awk: illegal primary in regular expression *Anni at Anni

The reason is, that I use the *-character to indicate birthdays in the calender view (to save precious space). Obviously this is in conflict with some regexp-operations. Maybe your problem has to do with characters in your MSG-text, that are somehow related to regexp.


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