[Remind-Fans] wyrd behaving weirdly on FreeBSD

Jeff Armstrong mr_clevver at yahoo.ca
Mon Nov 20 16:53:41 EST 2006

Hi Folks,

I have remind installed and working fine on both
FreeBSD and Gentoo Linux; remind, tkremind, and wyrd
all work without a hitch on Gentoo.  On FreeBSD,
however, although remind itself, and tkremind work
perfectly well, wyrd loads up but fails on the main
screen with the error message: 

Error in reminders file: "remind: not found"

on the bottom margin.

None of the scheduled items appear in the wyrd
interface, and if I try to enter one using wyrd I get
the error: 

-c option, 1: Illegal address: only 376 lines in the
Press Enter to continue:

It then brings up vi and displays the contents of my
normal .reminders file, however if I save anything and
exit vi I once again get the error: 

Error in reminders file: "remind: not found"

from the error, I'm guessing it's choking on the
remind options: 

 -c[n]  Produce a calendar for n (default 1) months
 -c+[n] Produce a calendar for n (default 1) weeks

but I can't figure out why.

Is anyone else using it successfully under FreeBSD

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