[Remind-Fans] formatted output

T E Schmitz mailreg at numerixtechnology.de
Tue Jan 16 06:40:24 EST 2007

dave wrote:
>     |MSG Birthdays:%"%"%|
>     would show up on your daily display, but not your calendar.
>     Likewise, you can generate a blank line by:
>     |MSG  %"%"% |

Thank you, Dave - this is it! I had forgotten about the article.

Not important - but why does the following not work?

Error for SET cmd:  Illegal character `%'

> On 1/15/07, *T E Schmitz* < mailreg at numerixtechnology.de 
> <mailto:mailreg at numerixtechnology.de>> wrote:
>     I would like to group the messages under different headings to make the
>     output more readable.



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

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