[Remind-Fans] From remind to Google calendar

Monty Zukowski monty at codetransform.com
Tue Sep 18 16:30:30 EDT 2007

On 18 Sep 2007 13:13:11 -0700, Mark Atwood <me at mark.atwood.name> wrote:
> "Monty Zukowski" <monty at codetransform.com> writes:
> > Yes, I did try yours.  From what I read about iCalendar, it expects
> > the timezone to be defined in a VTIMEZONE declaration.  Your tool
> > relies on the importing tool's predefined timezones.
> Huh.  I didnt realize that the VTIMEZONE stuff was required.  Just
> having the event times in the VEVENT records be in UTC seemed to be
> sufficent.
> What would you need it to do?  Put a VTIMEZONE record in, and then
> have the times in the VEVENT records be in that timezone?

I'm far from an expert on this, but yes, that's what I was trying to
accomplish.  I work for a company in a different time zone from where
I live, so I was concerned about this.

However, in thinking about it, I like your approach if I know I'm
trying to import remind into a specific application such as Google
Calendar.  At the time, figuring out the actual timezone string for my
Google Calendar was a mystery to me.  Now I realize I could have:

1) Created a new calendar with one entry in it.
2) Export that calendar as a .ics file.
3) Inspect it to find the timezone string used:


4) provide that string to rem2ics as the TZ

Also, the exported .ics file has the VTIMEZONE definition in it, which
could be copied verbatim into the new .ics file.

In fact, since rem2ics handles all day events &c., that may be what I
do in the future.

You might mention how to grab that timezone string from an exported
ics file in your -man option.


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