[Remind-Fans] Modifying Borrowed Function

Jorge Luis lists at jorge.cc
Tue Nov 18 21:41:53 EST 2008

I found the following ostensibly useful function at 43Folders, but I
can't figure out how to store the needed values in _finweight() (or any
of the other functions except _curweight().  Anyone willing to rap me
with the cluebat?

# more elaborate date-based math (example: weight goal)

fset _curweight() 240
fset _wtweeks() coerce("STRING", (trigdate()-today())/7) + plural((trigdate()-today())/7, " week")
fset _wtdays() coerce("STRING", (trigdate()-today())) + plural((trigdate()-today()), " day")
fset _pounds() coerce("STRING", (2*(trigdate()-today())/7)) + plural(2*((trigdate()-today())/7), " pound")
fset _finweight() coerce("STRING", (_curweight()-(2*(trigdate()-today())/7))) + plural(2*((trigdate()-today())/7), " pound")

REM 18 Nov 2009 +365 MSG Goal is to go from [_curweight()] to [_finweight()] by November 18.
REM You have [_wtdays()] ([_wtweeks()]) to lose [_pounds()]!

Thanks for any help!


JL <lists at jorge.cc>
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