[Remind-Fans] include txt files instead of .rem files in directory and open that file

Elena ``of Valhalla'' elena.valhalla at gmail.com
Wed May 28 05:22:26 EDT 2014

On 2014-05-27 at 13:21:28 -0600, Dave Parker wrote:
> 2) Does everyone here run their computer 24:7?  I'm thinking of getting one
> of those plug computers to run an ongoing instance of remind and also
> btsync.  Is that a good idea or no? (I'm nervous of getting into the world
> of "servers", i.e. computers with no gui)

I do: I used to have a sheevaplug and I'm currently migrating to an
Olimex_ board (the A20-OLinuXino-MICRO, because I'm starting to need 
the full GB of ram, but if you only need remind and a couple other 
programs the A10-OLinuXino-LIME is just fine, and closer to the price 
of a raspberry, with much more power and a sata port; both run an 
almost vanilla debian, except for kernel and bootloader)

.. _Olimex: https://www.olimex.com/

Beside the hardware, yes, having an home server is really useful: 
you can use it as a media server, keep a (centralized-ish) copy of your 
git repositories, expecially those that are a bit too private_ for 
git hub and the like, keep all of your emails under your control, 
while still being able to access them via dhcp from various devices, 
etc. etc.

.. _private: http://vcs-home.branchable.com/

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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