[Remind-Fans] Remind FAQ about »How ca I get emailed in 15 minutes ...« is wrong

Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff niklaas at kulturflatrate.net
Tue Sep 23 14:24:40 EDT 2014


I am very happy with remind and am currently setting it up. Hence, I 
also had a look at the Remind FAQ in the Wiki. There, it is explained 
how to get emailed 15 minutes before an event starts. I think, there is 
a slight mistake. Please have a look at the following code from the 

    remind -z -k'echo "%s" | mail -s "reminder" username' ~/.reminders &

Enclosing %s with "" causes the escape sequences for special characters 
being sent within the email. So, the command should rather be without 
the "". This way, the mail is not full of backslashes (which is nicer :).



Baudet von Gersdorff
niklaas at kulturflatrate.net


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