[Remind-Fans] save file .reminders in a cloud drive

Tim Chase remind at tim.thechases.com
Fri Sep 28 21:18:44 EDT 2018

On 2018-09-28 16:14, Claudio Pighin wrote:
> I tried the *solution proposed by Tim* and verified that it works
> fine, however it forces us to keep the reminders file in a local
> disk location and does not reach the goal of using a file saved on
> a remote drive.

But the location in which the actual file is stored should be the
local folder that gets synced to the cloud.  So if you have a folder

  ~/Google Drive/

that is synced to the cloud, then you store the reminder file in that
folder and symlink to it.  Then it gets synced up to the cloud and
back down to any other machines sharing this drive, and you can link
to within those folders too.

I presume you're running some sort of Google Drive agent on your


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