[Remind-Fans] a reminder for the day after a reminder

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Mon Sep 23 16:20:23 EDT 2019

> This doesn't work, but you get the idea:
>     SET d "Sep 23"
>     REM [d] MSG some reminder text
>     REM [d] SPECIAL HTML some similar reminder text for the calendar
>     REM [d+1] MSG a different reminder on the day after the above reminder

Here's what I'd do:

       SET d_string "Sep 23"
       SET d evaltrig(d_string, today()-1)
       REM [d] MSG some reminder text
       REM [d] SPECIAL HTML some similar reminder text for the calendar
       REM [d+1] MSG a different reminder on the day after the above

evaltrig() was introduced in version 3.1.6, so you need at least that
version for the example to work.



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