[Remind-Fans] New year, new Remind to test, new features, new version!

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Wed Jan 1 10:01:41 EST 2020

Hi, everyone,

Happy New Year!

I have a beta version of Remind in git.  Please test HEAD of

This is going to be version 3.2.0... yes, a new version!  It adds
support for multi-day-long events.  In all honesty, bolting multi-day
events onto Remind and respecting the Remind Zen was a little bit
hacky, but I hope someone finds these useful.

WHATSNEW follows.




* Version 3.2 Patch 0 - TBD

- IMPROVEMENT: Add support for events spanning multiple days (with AT
  and DURATION).  Add trigeventstart() and trigeventduration()
  introspection functions; see "MULTI-DAY EVENTS" in the man page.

- IMPROVEMENT: Add introspection functions trigback(), trigdelta(),
  trigduration(), trigfrom(), trigpriority(), trigrep(),
  trigscanfrom(), trigtimedelta(), trigtimerep(), and triguntil().  See
  man page for details; thanks to Tim Chase for the suggestion.

- CHANGE: Modify addition so that previously-illegal combinations
  TIME + TIME, TIME + DATETIME and DATETIME + TIME are now allowed.  If
  t1 and t2 are expressions of type TIME and dt is an expression of
  type DATETIME, then the following are now equivalent (before, the
  expressions on the left-hand side would fail with a "Type mismatch"

  t1 + t2     ==     t1                + coerce("INT", t2)
  dt + t2     ==     dt                + coerce("INT", t2)
  t1 + dt     ==     coerce("INT", t1) + dt

- DOC FIX: Document previously-undocumented $MaxStringLen system variable

- DOC FIX: Various minor documentation fixes.

- BUG FIX: Specifying a DURATION without an AT clause results in an error.
  Before, it would be accepted but not do anything useful.

- BUG FIX: Catch potential date overflow in slide() function

- BUG FIX: Fix compile error when compiling Romanian version; eliminate
  compiler warning when compiling non-English versions.

- BUG FIX: Fix startup failure of TkRemind if options are at default. :(

* Version 3.1 Patch 17 - 2019-11-15

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