[Remind-Fans] [diff] Adjusting width for ANSI sequences in calprefix/calsuffix

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Tue Jan 14 21:15:51 EST 2020

On 2020-01-14 11:52, Tim Chase wrote:

[Proposal for $DefaultColor]

> As matter of fact, I wanted it badly enough to implement it and
> attach at least the code changes as a .diff :-)

I've integrated your patch; thanks!  I had to fix it so it would work
with "remind -p" as well as "remind -cc".  I also made Remind reset the
value of $DefaultColor to "-1 -1 -1" each time it iterates to another day;
that prevents you from needing to reset it at the start and prevents the
(surprising) behaviour of it carrying over from one day to the next.

It's in git HEAD.



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