[Remind-Fans] Stupid tricks: fizzbuzz in remind(1)

Tim Chase remind at tim.thechases.com
Sun Feb 16 22:35:19 EST 2020

Playing around, this classic programming test came to mind.  So why
not.  Here's "fizzbuzz" as done in remind:

$ (echo 'FSET doy() $U - date($Uy-1,12,31)'; echo 'MSG [iif(doy() % 15
== 0, "fizzbuzz", iif(doy() % 5 == 0, "buzz", iif(doy() % 3 == 0,
"fizz", doy())))]') | remind -c12 - 2020-1-1 | less

Or, if you prefer to put this in fizzbuzz.rem:

  FSET doy() $U - date($Uy-1,12,31)
  MSG [iif(doy() % 15 == 0, \
    "fizzbuzz", \
    iif(doy() % 5 == 0, \
      "buzz", \
      iif(doy() % 3 == 0, \
        "fizz", \
        doy() \
        ) \
      ) \

and then

  $ remind -c12 fizzbuzz.rem 2020-1-1 | less

to get a year worth of fizzbuzz.

I really should find a better hobby.
But doing dumb things like this is so fun! :-)


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