[Remind-Fans] Show remind-fans: A Beautiful Remind

Andreas Klostermaier andreas at klostermaier.de
Sat Mar 21 14:32:27 EDT 2020

Hi remind-fans,

I am living in Bavaria, Germany and we are currently under Corona lockdown. A perfect opportunity to learn a new programming language, right?

I decided to give Rust a try and because I usually learn coding by coding, I looked for a little side project as excercise object and so I came up with the idea to do a rem2html-replacement in Rust.

I call it "A Beautiful Remind" (abremind) and have advanced so far, that is has become my default Remind visualisation. I would like to present a little teaser to the remind community:


abremind produces a set of static html-files for a customizable number of years in the past and into the future. Currently this is limited to a total of 14 years but this restriction will disappear in the future. Each html-file contains one calendar year and a navigation bar to quickly switch between the years as well as to the first of each month in the currently displayed year and today. The calendar is scrollable and smoothly scrolls underneath the navigation bar.

I use advanced CSS techniques, like grid layout for responsive design (no explicit mobile support yet, though) and variables for easy CSS customization.

So far I have done 4 themes:

- Redline: an elegant dark theme inspired by H&Co.'s Redline theme
- Zenburn: a soft Lab-version of Jani Nurminens VIM Zenburn theme
- Hayabusa: a monochrome theme in the style of the haya2now control panel
- Neptune-ME: a stark contrast theme in the style of the Soyuz TM control panel (I am not happy with that version yet).
There are more to come.

You can switch between the themes, if your browser supports it (in Firefox this is in View > Use Style).

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to customize your own themes in the future. I am writing plenty of class- and id-tags to the HTML (even if I do not use them in my own themes) and try to make the CSS files as readable as possible, so they can be used as templates.

I am not using the new JSON export features of Remind yet, but will do so in the future.

My head is currently exploding with ideas for future improvements.

I am willing to open source the whole project (via Github) and provide a Linux-binary to be included with remind, if so desired. Rust-code does not require any runtime engines or the like.

Before you get too excited: there is plenty of work to do, I would guess at least a month before I can deliver this into the wild. If you are interested in beta testing, please contact me at abremind at appendx.de

So, cheer up, use your time in lockdown or shelter in place and please give me some feedback about the teaser and how you like the themes...

Andreas Klostermaier

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