[Remind-Fans] Every Thursday except...

Ed Blackman ed at edgewood.to
Wed Sep 16 19:36:33 EDT 2020

How would I express a reminder that I want to show every Thursday, *except* for the Thursday on the same week as the first Tuesday of the month?  For example, next month I would want it to show on the 1st, 15th, 22nd, and 29th, but not the 8th since Tuesday the 6th is the first one of the month.

The approaches I've tried so far don't work in months like next month where the first Thursday is before the first Tuesday.

If it matters, I want to be able to omit specific dates.  For example, I don't want it to show on November 26th since it will be cancelled due to Thanksgiving.

Any help appreciated.

Ed Blackman

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