[Remind-Fans] New feature coming in Remind - looking for testers

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Sat Sep 4 23:35:05 EDT 2021

Hi, everyone,

I've implemented a new feature in Remind that I think could be really
cool.  If you'd like to test it, please clone
https://git.skoll.ca/Skollsoft-Public/Remind and build from master.

The new feature is a command called INCLUDECMD.  This executes a shell command
and interprets the output of the command as if they were found in an

For example, if you use something like:

    INCLUDECMD echo REM Mon MSG Hello

it will behave exactly as if you'd had a file called "example.rem"
containing "REM Mon MSG Hello" and had used INCLUDE example.rem

Big deal, you say.  But imagine you have a central database that stores
events, for example, and you write a program that extracts the events and
formats them as REM statements.  Suppose your program takes a single
argument: The name of the user whose events are needed.  You could
do something like this:

    INCLUDECMD extract_events_for [getenv("USER")]

I think this could be used to extend Remind in all sorts of cool ways!



PS: Yes, this works:

    INCLUDECMD echo INCLUDECMD echo INCLUDECMD echo MSG Whoaaaaa....

(And obviously, if RUN is disabled, then INCLUDECMD fails with an error.)
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