[Remind-Fans] two-way caldav synchronization

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Sat Jan 14 17:05:10 EST 2023

Hi James,

* James Cook via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> [2023-01-14 21:19]:
>I'm looking for a tool to synchronize changes both ways between a (new)
>remind file and my existing CalDAV calendar. (It doesn't have to speak
>CalDAV --- I currently use vdirsyncer to sync my calendar with a
>directory full of .ics files on disk which is read by khard. So, I'd be
>happy with a tool that only works locally.)
>I tried Jochen Sprickerhof's dav2rem/rem2dav2 but it doesn't seem to do
>what I want. For example:
>- If I run "dav2rem -r (...url...) f.rem" twice, events appear twice in
>  f.rem.
>- If I create f.rem manually, run "rem2dav -r (...url...) f.rem"
>  specifying a new test calendar URL, then edit an event in f.rem and
>  run rem2dav again, I end up with the old and new events in the CalDAV
>  calendar.
>I think I understand why that's hapening: dav2rem/rem2dav use simple
>logic where on the CalDAV side the event's uid is based on a hash of the
>Remind file line.
>What I actually want:
>- I can make arbitrary changes on either side, including creating or
>  deleting events, then run a sync tool, and it will (within reason)
>  propagate the changes both way.
>I understand this would be somewhat more complicated to implement than
>dav2rem/rem2dav (for example, there would have to be some magic to keep
>track of which remind lines match which vcalendar events) but wonder if
>a tool like this exists.

Right, remind-caldav currently has no UID support. It should not be that 
hard to implement but it would clutter the Remind file. I can give 
guidance how to do that but don't have time to do it myself right now.
Instead I would propose to use radicale-remind and host the CalDAV 
server yourself:


Cheers Jochen
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