[Remind-Fans] Remind 04.02.07 BETA 1

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Wed Oct 4 09:47:15 EDT 2023

Hi, folks!

I've tagged a beta release of Remind 04.02.07; you can download it from

The main feature in this release is that Remind attempts to guess the
background color of the terminal window to improve how it shades
calendars.  It does this by using an Xterm-compatible OSC code (the
"Esc-[" control codes).  I believe most UNIX terminals are compatible
with this, but I'd really like people to test this.  In particular,
please test if:

    o You're running Remind on an OS other than Linux, or

    o You're using a terminal that's not widely used (so not Xterm, Rxvt,
      xfce4-terminal, GNOME terminal or konsole.)

Remind guesses the terminal color on startup if stdout is a tty,
so I'm interested to hear of any terminals where this messes up and
displays unwanted characters.


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