[Remind-Fans] RUN turns off

Letcher Ross letcher at corvid.org
Sun Aug 19 13:22:38 EDT 2001


I have used remind for years on an old Linux box that did home automation.
Faithfully it sent my wife and I daily birthday reminders from a large list
I kept in /usr/local/lib called birthdays.  There was a similar list for

My wife and I have .reminders files that contain the lines:

INCLUDE /usr/local/lib/holidays
INCLUDE /usr/local/lib/birthdays

This old machine died suddenly a month ago, which isn't too tragic since I
had it's replacement most built.  The new machine has the latest remind
software and I moved my big birthday file onto it.  Now, here's the
problem - my birthday file tries to calculate the age by running a little
"subtract the current year from the birth year" routine.  Here's a sample

REM May 14 +10 RUN i=`expr %y - 1962`; echo "%"Gary%" Ross is $i %v"; echo

The problem is that the worlds gotten meaner since I wrote all those lines
and the current version doesn't like the RUN statements in there.  Since the
birthday file is included by the users .reminders I can understand.
However, on my current system even running with a command like:

[letcher at stevens ~]$ remind /usr/local/lib/birthdays


/usr/local/lib/birthdays(52): RUN disabled
/usr/local/lib/birthdays(53): RUN disabled
/usr/local/lib/birthdays(54): RUN disabled
No reminders.

The three lines in question are birthdays within 10 days that have the RUN

Maybe my approach is wrong.  Can I calculate age without using RUN?


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