[Remind-Fans] [ANN] Wyrd 1.5.0

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Thu Jan 13 03:51:44 EST 2022

Hi Detlef,

* Detlef Steuer via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> [2022-01-11 11:37]:
>I tried to compile from source to have wyrd uptodate
>in the opensuse build service, but configure misses
>[    5s] sh: line 1: camlp4o: command not found
>As it seems, this program is no longer available in any current opensuse
>As I don't know anything about the ocaml ecosystem, maybe you can give
>a pointer where to get it from?
>Or better: After some searching it seems camlp4o is more or less dead.
>wyrd at the moment only compiles for old releases of SUSE containing old
>versions of ocaml.
>Do you plan to update ocaml4 with some newer alternative?

Thanks for pointing that out, honestly I don't really have a lot of 
Ocaml experience. I found some infos on it here:


I will try to find time for it, but not sure when and patches are surely 
welcome :).

Btw. Though it looks deprecated, there have been recent releases of 
camlp4o upstream, maybe you can build it yourself?

Cheers Jochen
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