[Remind-Fans] AFTER doesn't works as expected

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Sun Jan 16 09:53:55 EST 2022

On Sun, 16 Jan 2022 14:45:43 +0000
rrandom via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

> Thank you! But sometimes your solution doesn't work, for example at
> 2020-02-11 when Practicing and Gym will be at one day. I try combine
> all that AFTERs and OMITs in a PUSH-POP block to temporary clear all
> old OMITs but without any success. The most strange thing is that
> BEFORE works good with ADDOMIT and I can't understand why. So of
> course I understand that it's against the Remind's logic but if
> BEFORE works AFTER should work too, right?..

Nope!  Because of the way Remind's algorithm works, that is not the
case.  For BEFORE, the OMITted days will be in place correctly,
but not with after.  Run in debug mode to see what's going on, and
maybe watch the part of the intro video where the algorithm is

> I want to do
> "Practicing-Library-Gym-Practicing-Library-Gym-Practicing-Library-Gym"
> etc. with delaying/AFTERing the task and all the other tasks if the
> day is weekend, holiday or every other OMIT or ADDOMIT day. That's
> all! Maybe some OMIT FUNCTION can help me?

I can't figure out how to do it.  As I wrote, making reminders depend
on other reminders is tricky and it looks like your use case isn't possible,
unless someone else can come up with a solution?  The issue is that
in your case, the date of a reminder potentially depends on *all* possible
past trigger dates of the reminder, and Remind just doesn't handle that.
For example, to know when to trigger "Gym", we need to know the entire
history of the Practicing, Library and Gym reminders because a shift even
far back in history can change today's reminder.



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