[Remind-Fans] "Sticky Notes" for "remind"

hymie at nasalinux.net hymie at nasalinux.net
Thu Jan 20 10:10:16 EST 2022

LarryD via Remind-fans writes:
>My problem is that I need some events to be "sticky". That is, I need 
>some events to be visible and ONLY disappear after being acknowledged. I 
>missed a payment because the announcement disappeared and I forgot to 
>pay it. Not good.

I've been using TaskWarrior (https://taskwarrior.org/) to manage my todos.
I wish I could remember all of the magic I performed to make it work 
with remind :( but ...

I have a reminder that looks like this:

>FSET _taskstring() "task add"
>FSET atnoon() "due:" + datetime(trigdate(),12,0)
>rem mon 1 SPECIAL TASK [_taskstring()] Splunk Review [atnoon()]

then I have a perl script that looks for the TASK tag:

>open (REMIND,"remind -p1 /home/hymie/.reminders.osam 1 $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] |")
>  or die "Cannot run remind command: $!\n";
>while (<REMIND>)
>  next unless m{..../../.. TASK . . . (.*)};
>  print "$1\n";
>close (REMIND);

So once a month (around the 15th of January), I run my script
% rem2task feb 2022

and it will spit out this command which needs to be executed

task add Splunk Review due:2022-02-01T12:00

It's not perfect, but it works for me.


But I think the underlying point is ...

remind is a calendar, not a todo manager.  Use it for what it does, and
use something else for what it doesn't do.  remind can **feed** my
task tracker, but it won't **be** my task tracker.

--hymie!             http://nasalinux.net/~hymie            hymie at nasalinux.net

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