[Remind-Fans] Remind 03.03.12 is released

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Mon Jan 24 17:53:56 EST 2022


Remind 03.03.12 has been released.

Home: https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/
Tar:  https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/download/remind-03.03.12.tar.gz
GPG:  https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/download/remind-03.03.12.tar.gz.sig

The main new feature is the DO command, which is like INCLUDE but interprets
relative pathnames relative to the directory containing the current reminder
file.  There's also a command-line option and system variable to give
timed reminders a default time delta.

Complete release notes are below.




* VERSION 3.3 Patch 12 - 2022-01-24

- UPDATE: rem2html: Use JSON::MaybeXS instead of JSON::Any, since JSON::Any
  is deprecated.  NOTE INCOMPATIBILITY: If you don't have JSON::MaybeXS
  installed, you'll need to install it before trying to install or update

- NEW FEATURE: Add a DO command.  This is just like INCLUDE, but relative
  paths are interpreted relative to the directory containing the current
  file.  That is:

      DO somefile.rem

  is equivalent to:

      INCLUDE [filedir()]/somefile.rem

- NEW FEATURE: Add the $DefaultTDelta system variable and associated
  -tt[N] command-line option to set a default time delta for timed
  reminder without an explicit +N delta.

- IMPROVEMENT: TkRemind: Store .tkremindrc in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tkremindrc
  or $HOME/.config/tkremindrc as per the XDG Base Directory Specification.

- BUG FIX: remind: Make the shell() built-in function respect

- BUG FIX: Use size_t to track the size of dynamic buffers rather than int.
  This permits Remind to read in files with lines longer than 1GB and to
  consume more than 1GB of output from the shell() command, both of which
  will surely be massively useful.  (The old limit was 1GB rather than 2GB
  because of details of the dynamic buffer resizing algorithm.)

* VERSION 3.3 Patch 11 - 2021-12-30
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