
Remind is a sophisticated calendar and alarm program. It includes the following features:


Remind is Free Software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2


Everybody loves screenshots. Here you go.

Intro Video

I made a (longish) Introduction to Remind video on YouTube. Best viewed in full-screen mode at 1920x1080 resolution.

Download Remind

The current version of remind is 05.00.02 released on 2024-07-26.

• Version 05.00.02: remind-05.00.02.tar.gz
• GPG Signature: remind-05.00.02.tar.gz.sig

Verify the Signature

To verify the GPG signature, run:

    gpg --verify remind-05.00.02.tar.gz.sig

You will need to have my public key in your GnuPG keyring.

Install Remind

What the heck do you do with a tar.gz file? Remind is designed to run on UNIX and Linux. As such, it's distributed as source code that you need to compile. If you are on a Linux or UNIX system, the build process is the usual:

tar xfz remind-05.00.02.tar.gz && cd remind-05.00.02 && ./configure && make && make test && sudo make install

Entirely painless. But do read the README file for other ways to build.

Public git Repository

We have a public git respository you can clone if you want to live on the bleeding edge:

The above repo is a mirror of the official git repo at

Bug Reports

If you find a bug in Remind, or would like to suggest an improvement, please email me... email details are on the Contact Page.

Remind-related Sites and Mailing List

Remind Helpers

If you've written a program designed to work with Remind and would like it linked from this page, please email me.

Copyright © 2024 Dianne Skoll