
Remind is a sophisticated calendar and alarm program. It includes the following features:


Remind is Free Software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2


Everybody loves screenshots. Here you go.

Intro Video

I made a (longish) Introduction to Remind video on YouTube. Best viewed in full-screen mode at 1920x1080 resolution.

Download Remind

The current version of remind is 05.01.01 released on 2024-11-18.

• Version 05.01.01: remind-05.01.01.tar.gz
• GPG Signature: remind-05.01.01.tar.gz.sig


Verify the Signature

To verify the GPG signature, run:

    gpg --verify remind-05.01.01.tar.gz.sig

You will need to have my public key in your GnuPG keyring.

Beta Version

• Version 05.02.00, Beta 1: remind-05.02.00-BETA-1.tar.gz
• GPG Signature: remind-05.02.00-BETA-1.tar.gz.sig

Install Remind

What the heck do you do with a tar.gz file? Remind is designed to run on UNIX and Linux. As such, it's distributed as source code that you need to compile. If you are on a Linux or UNIX system, the build process is the usual:

tar xfz remind-05.01.01.tar.gz && cd remind-05.01.01 && ./configure && make && make test && sudo make install

Entirely painless. But do read the README file for other ways to build.

Crowdsourcing Holiday Data

I'm looking for people to contribute their national holidays in Remind format so I can include them in the Remind distribution! If you'd like to help out, please see here.

Public git Repository

We have a public git respository you can clone if you want to live on the bleeding edge:

The above repo is a mirror of the official git repo at

Bug Reports

 If you find a bug in Remind, or would like to suggest an improvement, please email me... email details are on the Contact Page.

Remind-related Sites and Mailing List

Remind Helpers

If you've written a program designed to work with Remind and would like it linked from this page, please email me.

Copyright © 2024 Dianne Skoll