[Remind-Fans] Remind 03.04.02 is released

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Mon Mar 14 17:42:50 EDT 2022


I'm pleased to announce the release of Remind 03.04.02 at

Tar: https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/download/remind-03.04.02.tar.gz
GPG: https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/download/remind-03.04.02.tar.gz.sig
Git: https://git.skoll.ca/Skollsoft-Public/Remind

Release notes since 03.04.01 are below.




* VERSION 3.4 Patch 2 - 2022-03-14

- NEW FEATURE: remind: Add syntactic sugar to simplify some common
  types of reminders.  See "SYNTACTIC SUGAR FOR REM" in the remind
  man page.  Based on suggestions from Ian! D. Allen.

- CHANGE: examples/defs.rem: The examples file has been updated to use
  the newer syntactic sugar.

- CHANGE: remind: Always parse the body of REM statements to catch
  expression errors.  In the past, something like:

      REM 2025-01-02 MSG [1/0]

  would not cause a division-by-zero error except on 2025-01-02.  Now,
  the error is always caught.  NOTE POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY: There may
  be edge-cases when formerly-valid remind scripts now trigger errors.
  However, this is pretty unlikely.

- NEW FEATURE: remind: Add the "trig" function to allow more
  expressiveness when creating triggers.  See man page for details.

- IMPROVEMENT: tkremind: Tweak the calendar display; improve ability to
  customize colors, including supplying two built-in themes.  Based on
  patch and suggestion from Paulo (last name unknown).

- IMPROVEMENT: tkremind: TkRemind handles errors in reminders scripts
  much more unobtrusively.  Instead of popping up a modal dialog box
  with almost-unreadable error output, it discreetly notifies you of
  errors with a button that lets you view the specific error messages
  in a more readable format.

- IMPROVEMENT: examples/remind.vim: Update list of keywords in vim syntax
  highlighting file.

- IMPROVEMENT: contrib/remind-conf-mode: Update the list of keywords,
  functions and variables in the Emacs syntax-highlighting file.  Also make
  it match them case-insensitively.

- CHANGE: remind: Increase $MaxSatIter default to 1000 instead of 150.
  Computers are much faster than when I first wrote remind and they
  can handle this higher limit easily.  The higher limit also enables
  certain reasonable reminders that failed in the past because of the
  low SATISFY iteration limit.

- CHANGE: remind: The "||" operator now returns the value of the first
  non-zero operand rather than just returning 1 or 0.  Similarly, "&&"
  returns 0 if either operand is false or the value of the last
  operand if both operands are true.

     NOTE POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY: Remind scripts that depend on ||
     and && always returning exactly one of 1 or 0 may need

- CHANGE: The || and && operators can accept any non-STRING type as long
  as both operands have the same type.  The "false" values are defined
  as follows; true values are any other value:

     INT:      0
     TIME:     00:00
     DATE:     '1990-01-01'             (the Remind epoch)
     DATETIME: '1990-01-01 at 00:00'       (the Remind epoch)

- IMPROVEMENT: remind: Issue diagnostics if an UNTIL or THROUGH date
  is earlier than any possible trigger date, as well as an UNTIL date
  with a fully-specified date and no repeat ("*N").  Suggestion from
  Ian! D. Allen.

- BUG FIX: tkremind: If the same moon phase appeared twice in a month,
  TkRemind would not display the first occurrence correctly.  This has
  been fixed.

- BUG FIX: rem2pdf: Fix typos in the man page.

- BUG FIX: remind: The IF command documentation didn't reflect how it
  actually worked; now it does.

- BUG FIX: remind: Use correct UNTIL/THROUGH keyword in error message.

- BUG FIX: rem2pdf: Correct the calculation that warns about an over-full
  calendar box.  Problem noted by Jonathan Kamens.

- BUG FIX: remind: The "remind -c" output would sometimes be incorrect if
  scripts with double-wide characters were used.  This has been fixed.

- BUG FIX: remind: The "remind -c" output would sometimes be incorrect
  if right-to-left scripts were used in reminders.  This has been fixed.

* VERSION 3.4 Patch 1 - 2022-02-23

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