[Remind-Fans] remind-caldav vs radicale-remind

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Sun Jul 3 12:00:40 EDT 2022

Hi Saša,

* Saša Janiška via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> [2022-07-03 12:13]:
>some time ago I was considering whether to use remind instead of 
>taskawarrior, but then realized that remind is "...more a
>calendar/event/reminder tool" and "...not really a task manager tool", 
>so I moved to Etm.

I use remind for events and taskawarrior for tasks and so 
radicale-remind supports both.

>Now, I'm considering to simply use remind/wyrd for calendar events and 
>wonder how does it work with remind-caldav/radicale-remind?

The difference between both is the question of if you want to use the 
icalendar or Remind format as a ground truth. For simple events it does 
not make a difference but for complex reminders, like canceled events in 
icalendar or omit contexts in Remind, the python-remind library converts 
the data only in the evaluated form¹. So, if you mainly edit events in 
icalendar (Thunderbird) then use remind-caldav whereas if you want to 
make use of all the features of Remind then use radicale-remind.

It is also a question of where you store your data and where you want to 
edit it. radicale-remind needs the Remind files so you want to run it on 
the system where you edit the files as well (or use some syncing tool).
Personally I have radicale-remind running on a small server where wyrd 
is running in a tmux and where I edit the files.

>It seems if I want to keep remind/wyrd for calendar events only, I do 
>not need radicale-remind and can keep using Baikal, iow. no need to 
>migrate from Baikal to Radicale?

The migration from Baikal to Radicale should be easy as you can transfer 
all the data with remind-caldav.

Cheers Jochen

¹: This is due to both format being rather expressive and I tried to 
support all the syntax I need. Please open bug reports with examples if 
you want more syntax directly translated.
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