[Remind-Fans] remind-caldav vs radicale-remind

Saša Janiška sjaniska at atmarama.net
Mon Jul 4 06:43:21 EDT 2022

On Sun, 3 Jul 2022 18:00:40 +0200
Jochen Sprickerhof via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

Hello, Jochen,

> I use remind for events and taskawarrior for tasks and so
> radicale-remind supports both.

I'm glad seeing someone using **both** applications. Moreover, by seriously 
considering to add Remind/Wyrd to my toolchain I can envision that some sort of 
"tasks" as classical "garbage schedule" are going to migrate to events. :-)

> The difference between both is the question of if you want to use the
> icalendar or Remind format as a ground truth. For simple events it
> does not make a difference but for complex reminders, like canceled
> events in icalendar or omit contexts in Remind, the python-remind
> library converts the data only in the evaluated form¹. So, if you
> mainly edit events in icalendar (Thunderbird) then use remind-caldav
> whereas if you want to make use of all the features of Remind then
> use radicale-remind.

Thanks a lot for elaborate explantation...it makes sense to try migrating to 
Radicale, although I'm not very familiar with deploying Python/WSGI etc.

> It is also a question of where you store your data and where you want
> to edit it. 

Currently, with Baikal, I use MySQL db for storage.

> radicale-remind needs the Remind files so you want to run
> it on the system where you edit the files as well (or use some
> syncing tool). Personally I have radicale-remind running on a small
> server where wyrd is running in a tmux and where I edit the files.

Hmmm...does it mean that if I want to edit my files on my desktop machine (and 
keep them under VCS), then Radicale server should run on my desktop instead of 
the production server as it is now (running Baikal)?

In that case I wonder how to make remind files available to DAVx used for 
mobile syncing. Now, with Baikal server, the whole setup is on the production 
server, while clients are either on the phone or on the desktop?

I've two more questions:

1) do you use radicale-remind for taskwarrior tasks as kind of easy storage 
back-end instead of using Taskwarrior's taskd and/or do you have some app for 
task management on the mobile phone which can take advantage of Taskwarrior's 

2) by moving calendar events to Remind/Wyrd, the only usage of Thunderbird (or 
Evolution) for me would be handling/syncing my contacts, so wonder how do you 
solve that part which could potentially eliminate my need to keep one of those 
bloated apps on my machine?

OT: I saw the "Mowing away from Github", but cannot respond to it, so will just 
give my €0.02 here...as a Fossil fan which I use for all my personal projects, 
I can just recommend using it as "Github in a box", especially for not such big 
project (in terms of size) as Remind. I'm aware that (mostly due to) Github, 
majority of devs simply embraced it, but there are even bigger projects like 
Tcl/Tk which keep their source under Fossil.


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