[Remind-Fans] remind-caldav vs radicale-remind

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Mon Jul 4 16:01:59 EDT 2022

* Saša Janiška via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> [2022-07-04 20:30]:
>Now it is (clear). I believe that I'd prefer running Radicale on my server
>using https://tld// and then sync files with my desktop, so so mobile will have
>an easy task to access the server directly, while I can still easily edit files
>on my desktop where they anyway belong. :-)

Great, feel free to ask if you run into problems when setting everything 
up. The documentation of radicale-remind is probably still a little 
sparse but it get's better with every user ;).

>> Same here, radicale-remind exports them to CardDAV, DAVx syncs them
>> to the ContactProvider in Android and I can view and edit them in the
>> Android Contacts app.
>If I'd need to e.g. have *.vcard file available locally - e.g. for Claws-mail,
>I could get it from the server as well, right?

Seems like Claws-mail does not support CardDAV, so you could either use 
a DAV client to download the .vcf files from the server or use abook2vcf 
(part of python-abook) to generate them locally.
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