[Remind-Fans] remind/radicale & Thunderbird

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Sat Jul 16 05:08:36 EDT 2022

* Saša Janiška via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> [2022-07-16 10:44]:
>I am testing with Evolution 3.44 here and it works very bad - I am not
>able to either modify current task nor to create a new one. For
>instance, attempt to create a new task results in:
>The reported error was “Socket I/O timed out”.

Huh, I have version 3.44.3 from Debian unstable and it works without 
problems. Could you give me an account on your server so I can try?

>Also, have to provide URL for each calendar, otherwise Evolution 
>detect them based on server's URL+username.

I type in the base URL, i.e. http://localhost:5232/ and then there is a 
button "Find Calendars" where I can select which ones I want to 
subscribe to.

Cheers Jochen
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