[Remind-Fans] Ways to use Remind

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Sun Oct 9 17:15:26 EDT 2022

On Sun, 9 Oct 2022 00:04:06 -0400
Dianne Skoll via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

> I pretty much just use TkRemind.  However, I do have a script that
> pulls down two Google calendars (personal and work) and converts them
> to Remind format.  That script runs from cron every half hour; that
> way, things I add to my calendar on my phone wind up in Remind.

Actually, I forgot about one cool thing... I have TkRemind set up to
run the command "/home/dfs/bin/notify-reminder.pl" every time it pops
up a reminder.  This script sends a message of the form:

   Type=Reminder; Body=<the_reminder_body>

to an internal IRC server in my house.  Then I have a Raspberry Pi in my
living room that has an IRC bot that reacts to these messages and reads
out my reminder aloud using "pico2wave" as the text-to-speach converter.

I was reminded (so to speak) of this as I was sitting in my living
room and my Raspberry Pi said: "Reminder: In 15 minutes: Coffee with

I'd make the scripts public except they are kind of hacky and very
specific to my home network, so probably not of much use to others.



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