[Remind-Fans] Determining Ramadan & Eid?

Ruthard Baudach ruthard.baudach at web.de
Fri Mar 24 11:08:14 EDT 2023

Idea for a Very Ugly Workaround:

Pycalcal is a python library covering lots of calendars, including the Islamic one. (https://github.com/espinielli/pycalcal). Probably there are similar libraries for the programming language of your choice.

So ... if you wrote a script that added the REM lines specifying the Gregorian dates for Ramadan and Eid (or any other holiday your interested in) for the current year to your reminder files, you should only have to add a RUN directive that runs this script once a year to add these holidays to your reminders.


Am 22. März 2023 18:47:50 MEZ schrieb Tim Chase via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca>:
>I wanted to put the start of Ramadan and end of Ramadan (Eid) on
>my calendar but it's based on a lunar calendar so I'm not quite
>sure how to create such events.  My understanding is that the Hebrew
>calendar (for which there are functions in Remind) is also lunar-based,
>but as best I can tell, they don't overlap:
>Any recommendations on determining these events?
>Remind-fans mailing list
>Remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca
>Remind is at https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/
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